Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Beauty is painful

Last friday, I went to dermatologist. Honestly, it was my first time to go to dermatology or any kind of skin treatment centre.

I was so scarry firstly, because I couldn't imagine what would the doctor do with my skin? I had terrible pimples on my face. Actually it was not terrible enough but I never had any pimples before. So it becomes so strange for everyone that used to see me without those horrible pimples.

After waiting for long to be taken care by the doctor, finally I had my shift on. The doctor looked into my face and then she asked me whether I used compact powder daily. I said "Yeah" with the innocent face. And you know what? The doctor said, that was the biggest mistake of mine to use compact powder daily. Bcos it would generate the pimple on my face. And she asked me to take facial once a month.


Finished in facial, suddenly I realized that why it was not easy to become a woman.
Bcos, we need to maintain our skin in order to keep beautiful. And the worst thing of it is "Beauty is so painful and costly."

Children's Hope

It's last Monday night, when I had a snack together w/ three anonymous children.
I didn't know them, they're not my neighbours.
My Mom only said that they're from financial disadvantage family.

They live outside of my housing area.
At that Monday night, it's by coincidence they walked about my house, then we had a snack together.
It's just "kue putu" that we ate.
Later on they're given some oranges and money.

I don't know where the intention came from, but I really wanted to take their pictures.
So I got my dopod 818 and took picture of theirs.

The thing really touched my heart was glimmering hope that can be seen through their eyes.
They're nice and polite children, and I could see that they're still hoping for for a better life.
That's a rare sight of many current indonesian children: a glimmering hope for a better future.

This is our great opportunity to help them to pursue their dreams.
Don't let their hopes die!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Struggling for T-Shirt (September 10, 2006 - cont'd)

I studied in ITB for four years and I never had gone to Pasar Seni, hehehe.

That's true!
I had never gone there.
It had just not interested me, I had been busy with extracurricular, sport and my own business.
Momo really liked it when she mocked me about this fact :-)

September 10, 2006...
that's the first Pasar Seni I visited.
I had to admit that for this case I could have been said as not "gaul", hehe.
Many interesting art materials could be found there.
Whuaaaaa, couldn't handle myself to desire to posses everything there...

Walking around Pasar Seni, seing lots of enchanted things, and the most enjoyment was I did that with my beloved Momo :-)
It's so exciting!

We took a look to some catchy items, bought some of them, took some pictures and struggled for official T-shirt of Pasar Seni, hehe.
Yes, that's called struggling since we queued like hell.
We lined up for an hour for distance of only 6 metres!

Tiredness could be seen from our oily faces.
However, at same time our smile showed our happiness.
We've become official visitor of Pasar Seni 2006! :-)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Self Recognition

By Martha Beck (Taken from Oprah's web)

Quick, finish this sentence: "I am a ________." What popped into your mind? Did you immediately think of your job title? Did you identify yourself with a relationship term, like wife, daughter, or Elvis fan? Maybe you described your body ("I am a svelte size 10"), your personality ("I am an optimist"), or your favorite hobby ("I am a heavy drinker"). Identity labels like these are useful, even necessary. They shape the way we act and feel (and the way people act and feel toward us) in every situation, from taking the bus to taking a lover. But many labels are misleading, and none can fully describe the multifaceted reality that is a human being. Moreover, any external criteria we use to label ourselves—looks, power, health, relationships, anything—can disappear in a heartbeat. So really, the only way to avoid a lot of insecurity, fear, and suffering is to learn how to wear our identities lightly and let go of them easily.

How To Let Go Step

1: Be still.The process of releasing your labels without losing yourself begins in stillness. If we hold still long enough, we begin to feel what we really feel and to know what we really know—a prospect so terrifying that some people bolt rather than face it. If you can do this—get used to sitting still until you feel what you feel and know what you know—your labels will start peeling away like onion skins. Oh, it won't be easy. Your anxieties and neuroses will come yammering out of the walls like the Hounds of Hell. Your older sister's voice will mutter constant criticism. The person who broke your heart in 1987 will show up, more vivid in memory than in the flesh, to do it again. But just...sit...still. Like anyone who doesn't run from stillness, you'll find that your mental demons have less staying power than you thought. Eventually you will begin to sense a very deep self that defies all labels, a calm soul who has experienced your whole life—even that regrettable incident involving baked beans, a goat, and your mother's favorite hairpiece—without ever being dominated or extinguished. This is the you who wears your labels, who can toss the ones you've outgrown (or that never fit in the first place), who will always find another identity to wear when a familiar one disappears.

Step 2: Become the experiencer, not the experience.All great wisdom traditions point to the knowledge that the essence of our true selves is not any fixed label but the capacity to experience. In the Biblical tradition underlying Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the One God of Israel tells Moses that His name is simply "I Am." The word Buddha means one who is awake, one who is aware. As heavy as this philosophy sounds, it has a very simple and practical application. Try this: Go back to the first sentence of this article, remembering the label you gave yourself. Now repeat it, but instead of saying "I am a big fat loser" or "I am a powerful executive," say "I am one who calls myself a big fat loser" or "I am one who calls myself a powerful executive." This wording may feel a bit awkward, but (1) it happens to be true, and (2) it helps you detach from both negative and positive labels by inserting a layer of language between you and whatever identity you happen to be wearing at the moment. Step 3: Practice truth in labeling.Our belief in labels, not the labels themselves, is what gives them the power to influence our behavior. Knowing how to let go of any given identity without losing our essential selves yields a security we'll never get from fame, power, money, beauty, or any other personality prop. By stilling our bodies and minds, becoming the One Who Experiences, and playing with labels the way we might play with costumes, we can remain ourselves no matter what happens: loss or gain, pain or pleasure, fame or disrepute. Take these steps whenever, as the Indian poet Kabir wrote, "you are tangled up in others and have forgotten what your heart once knew." When the bad labels come at you glue-side up, or the positive ones are stripped away, remember to answer poet William Stafford's simple question: "Who are you really, wanderer?" Why not remember today?

September 10,2006

Pasar Seni ITB 2006. We went there yesterday. Finally, I could see it again after year 2000. Me and Aa' was coming to that event together. The venue was held in three spots in ITB. The main stage was at the gate of ITB, nearby Salman's Garden. The second one was spotted in the Student centre area, which represented the middle area of ITB. And the last one was in TVST area. Honestly, compared with the last years, this event was getting less attracting. I don't know why? Could be happened because of the lack of advertising or perhaps because of the mistaken of day choosing.

But for me, Pasar seni 2006 brought a different impression. In this year, I enjoyed the occasion with a very special man that I love him so much. Eventhough I had to take a little "sunbathing" due to the extrem sunbeam, but I didn't mind to do that....I think, it's very contrary with my common habits. I have much allergies with the sunbeam :-)....I don't like to go out in the middle of the day when the sun shines so shiny. I hate to get overheated and then my skin becomes so dark and sweat drains my body......yakssssss...that sucks....But yesterday was the anomaly....I did enjoy to be in his side and spend the time with him all day. I like when I saw him smile, laught and shout the jokes to me.

Now I can say that I agree with what Bryan Adam said in his song....
" when u love someone...u'll do anything,....U'll do all the crazy things that u can't explain....U shoot the moon...pull out the sun...when u love someone"

Friday, September 08, 2006

Anyone at All

There's no intention to get closer with her when I asked her to go out with me.
It was just a bad day, I got stucked with my work and needed somebody to go out with.
Then why should be her?
Well, frankly, I don't know.
I looked at my phonebook, found her name, and just felt to send her sms.

We didn't meet right away.
Somehow we just couldn't do it.
Perhaps, it's a way to prepare us for a great thing happens :-)


Gajah Mada Plaza, that's the place where we firstly hanged out.
I personaly enjoyed that moment.
I felt relax, was glad really to be myself and had somebody nice to chat with.
It's strange since it's looked like that I'd been comfort w/ Momo for long time, while in fact we were never quite closed during our campus life in ITB and that's our first hanging out in Jakarta!

After that we had some chats, sms and went out together several times.
The funny thing is when I had that special feeling to her, I didn't like to hurry it, and frankly that was not typically me.
I used to chase as fast as I can (kebiasaan kejar setoran, hehe).


Now, I'm with Momo.
Yeah, it's funny to think that we've been friend for years, not really know each other, and now we're so much in love together.

Funny how I feel more myself with you
Than anybody else that I ever knew
I hear it in your voice, see it in your face
You've become the memory I can't erase

You could have been anyone at all
A stranger falling out of blue
I'm so glad it was you

Love u so much, Momo

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Pastoral Beauty of Switzerland

Founded in 1291 as a union of three cantons chafing against Hapsburg rule, Switzerland has been independent since 1815; its borders now encompass 26 cantons embracing three official languages—German, French, and Italian. Foreigners make up 25 percent of the workforce. Switzerland competes in global markets with exports that make up almost half of the nation's economy; however the Swiss in a 2001 referendum voted against joining the European Union

It's my dream to go to Switzerland,..someday. Inspired by Heidy's movie that I always saw at TVRI in my childhood.

Now,...I keep that persistance and I believe, I will reach the dream to be real......just waiting for that time,mate.

Pinky Piggy

how we started??

We were just two strangers that were met by students' organization.
In that moment,..I didn't know much 'bout him and I wasn't interested to know him deeper. For me, the important things was just doing my tasks well and adsorbing the experience,..and the rest was not my business.

5 Years later, we met in Jakarta. I just knew that he worked in the same building, but at different tower. When I met him,I really didn't care with him. I just said hello and we did such lip service's conversation....then I merely forgot it.

In year 2006,He sent the sms to me,..asked me to go out and have a chit-chat after workin' hours.Unfortunately, it was worldcup session..and I had to watch my fav team "Brazil". So,.I rejected his invitation. After that,..I didn't know what happened...Suddenly we sent the sms each other, just talking 'bout what we did,..bla..bla....bla...and couple of time., we were dating....going to PRJ and watching WorldCup Final together....

For the rest,...I think u can guess it......that we finally decided to build our journey together.

Now,I am questioning could be it happen to us? Started from stranger and ended by attracting each other....

He's not my type at all...and neither do I...perhaps it's our fate?? or may be it's the journey to face the other things?? who knows.....The only thing that I know for now,....I have a great feeling to him...and it's nice for me to say "aishiteru"to him, everyday.....